About Us
Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Bloomsburg Public Library to provide a welcoming, inclusive, and lively environment that inspires and enriches our community through access to materials, resources, innovative programs, and experiences that promote lifelong learning, literacy, and creativity.
Vision Statement
The Bloomsburg Public Library is a welcoming and inclusive community center to inspire and enrich individual lives. We provide access to physical and digital resources, services, and innovative programs that promote lifelong learning, literacy, and creativity.
Personalized Service
We take time to get to know community members so we can provide a customized library experience by recommending books, answering questions, anticipating needs, and offering programs that inspire and delight.
Community Ownership
Our library is a shared community effort by the people for the people, with financial and volunteer support from individuals, organizations, municipalities, and businesses. We share this important resource with each other.
Literacy & Lifelong Learning
The Bloomsburg Public Library is a resource that educates, engages, and enlivens people at all stages of life.
Free Exchange of Ideas
We welcome each person equally and help them find the information they need while honoring their privacy and individuality. As a public library, our mandate and mission is to serve the whole community, with no censorship or barriers related to perspectives or points of view. We encourage community conversations in which differing opinions are aired in an atmosphere of civility and respect.
Respect for Diversity
The Bloomsburg Public Library is committed to fostering an environment that is safe, positive, and respectful for all library users, employees, and community members. We pledge to serve our community without bias in regard to individual characteristics of any kind, including but not limited to heritage, nationality, race, ethnicity, immigrant status, religion, beliefs, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, education, veteran status, income, and physical or mental capabilities.
Whenever possible, we offer our support and partnership to organizations which serve Columbia County, including service agencies, schools, pre-schools, and other libraries. Our resources and services are available to help community organizations with a shared mission.
Good Stewardship
We use community funds wisely, adhering to high standards and best practices. We take good care of our resources and strive for sustainable funding for our future.
Adopted by the Bloomsburg Public Library Board on June 11, 2024.
Core Staff
Ammon Francis Young, M.L.S., Library Director
Susan Prokop, Assistant Director
Andrea Bishop, Public Services Librarian
Sean Dunne, Access Services Librarian
Angela Musselman-Leister, M.S.L.S., Youth Services Librarian
Sarah White, Technical Services Librarian
Specialist Staff
John Blackledge, Tech Studio Coordinator
Jean Crane, Special Projects Cataloger
Elizabeth Deroba, Marketing and Digital Media Specialist
Delia Rincon, Digital Literacy Educator
Social Work Team
Karen Cotter, Conflict Resolution Specialist
Laurie George, Library Social Worker
Emily Kahn, Library Social Worker
AmeriCorps Member
Paige Thomas, Community Programming Coordinator
AARP Senior Employment Program
Deborah Glenney, Library Assistant
Work Study Team
Kathryn Bader, Library Assistant
Madison Conners, Library Assistant
Caitlyn Daywalt, Library Assistant
Zipporah Dudley-Boswell, Library Assistant
Alicia Gingrich, Library Assistant
Conner Schneck, Library Assistant
Community Volunteers
Shirley Alters
Louella Cardenas
Bonnie Crawford
Ron Drumm
Deborah Forsythe
Sally Freed
Linda Hartung
Molly Peterson
Susan Walker-Moyer
Board of Directors
Cynthia Schultz, President
Tara Moore, Vice-President
Aidan McDonald, Treasurer
Phil Burrell, Secretary
Emily Brockmann
Michael Fischer
Jimmy Gilliland
Michelle Hintz
Justin Hummel
Daniel Lynn
Laurie McCants
Christine Paterson
Joshua Shemesh
Borrowing Policies
Patron Behavior Policy
This policy is subject to change without notice and implemented at the discretion of the Library Director.
Enforcement of these rules will be conducted in a fair and reasonable manner. Library staff will intervene to stop prohibited activities and behaviors. Failure to comply with the Library’s established rules, regulations, and policies could result in removal from the premises and expulsion from the Library for a period of one day to one year, or in arrest or prosecution. Violations could also result in the restriction and/or termination of Library privileges, including the use of Library computers and other equipment. Expulsion for more than one week may be appealed in writing to the Director of the Bloomsburg Public Library.
For the comfort and safety of patrons, volunteers, and staff, and the protection of Library property, the following actions are examples of conduct not allowed on Library property.
- Engaging in any activity in violation of Federal, State, local or other applicable law, or Library policy.
- Carrying firearms and dangerous weapons of any type (except by law enforcement officers).
- Being under the influence of alcohol/illegal drugs and selling, using, or possessing alcohol/illegal drugs.
- Verbally or physically threatening or harassing other patrons, volunteers, or staff, including stalking, staring, lurking, offensive touching, and obscene acts such as sex acts and indecent exposure.
- Refusing to follow a request or directive of Library staff, including refusing to leave a public computer when time is up or the library will close.
- Annoying other patrons by talking, gesturing, or otherwise interfering with their ability to read, study, contemplate, or otherwise use the Library.
- Interfering with Library staff’s performance of their duties.
- Refusal to follow reasonable direction from Library staff, including but not limited to:
- relinquishing a public computer when a session is over
- leaving the Library during normal closing procedures
- following a suspension of Library privileges
- refusing to evacuate during an emergency
- Soliciting or conducting surveys not authorized by the Library.
- Stealing, damaging, altering, or inappropriate use of Library property in Library facilities or on Library grounds, including computer hardware and software, printers, copiers, phones, and other equipment.
- Trespassing in nonpublic areas, being in the Library without permission of an authorized Library employee before or after Library operating hours, or camping on Library grounds.
- Fighting or challenging to fight, running, pushing, shoving, or throwing things.
- Creating disruptive noises such as loud talking, screaming, or banging on computer keyboards.
- Group activities which are disruptive to the Library environment.
- Using audible devices without headphones or with headphones set at a volume that disturbs others. Using cell phones, pagers, and other communication devices in a manner that disturbs others. Cell phone and pager audible ringers must be turned off.
- Using restrooms for bathing or shampooing, doing laundry, or changing clothes.
- Littering.
- Smoking, vaping, chewing, and other tobacco use in Library facilities.
- Entering the Library barefooted, without a shirt, with offensive body odor or personal hygiene, or being otherwise attired so as to be disruptive to the Library environment.
- Bringing in garbage, articles with a foul odor, or articles which, alone or in their aggregate, impede the use of the library by other users.
- Using wheeled devices in Library property or on Library grounds, except in designated areas, including skateboarding, roller-skating, bicycling, scooters, and shopping carts (exceptions i.e. wheelchairs, walkers, and strollers).
- Lying down or sleeping in the restrooms or on any floor, couch, table, or seat in the Library, and by blocking aisles, exits, or entrances by sitting or lying down in them.
- Neglecting to provide proper supervision of children.
Engaging in any of the above behaviors may result in one or more of the following consequences, depending on the severity or repetition of the violation:
- Initial warning + copy of Behavior in the Library (upon request).
- Library privileges suspended for one day.
- Library privileges suspended for seven days.
- Library privileges suspended for up to one year.
- Library privileges suspended permanently.
Please inform Library staff if you observe anyone behaving in a suspicious or inappropriate manner.