The Ivy Club of Bloomsburg and the Bloomsburg Public Library invite adult readers to attend afternoon tea on Sunday, September 15, 2024 at 2:00 p.m.
Attendees will learn about the Ivy Club and upcoming book clubs at the library. The number of guests is limited and you must register (at no cost) to attend.
For more information, email or call 570-630-1205.
Please contact the current president,
Dorell Orzolek, for more information:
Dorell Orzolek 570-389-0524
Ann Diseroad 570-784-1540
The Ivy Club
135 years of Literature, Fellowship, and Community Service
What is the Ivy Club?
The Ivy Club of Bloomsburg is the oldest continuously operating women’s club in Pennsylvania. It was instrumental in the founding of the Bloomsburg Public Library and has been a staunch supporter of that library throughout its 135-year history. We have supported other libraries as well, such as the Columbia County Traveling Library and the Benton Elementary School Library.
The objects of The Ivy Club are
- To study literature
- To further the educational interests of its members
- To advance the welfare of the community
Ivy Club is not a book club, yet we discuss books at every meeting and, about once a year, all read and discuss the same book. These discussions can be lively as we do not always agree about books.
Ivy Club does not ever endorse a political candidate or issue or have political discussions, but we consider Public Affairs and Legislation to be one of our topics under Continuing Education and always encourage our members to vote in upcoming elections.
Ivy Club discusses cultural and educational topics and has supported organizations in these areas such as the Children’s Museum, the Columbia County Historical and Genealogical Society, and The Exchange.
Ivy Club is not a social welfare agency, but we take a keen interest in the welfare of our community and have supported the Columbia County Volunteers in Medicine and AGAPE.
Ivy Club is not a social organization, but we have social activities such as teas, luncheons, and field trips.
While membership is by invitation, proposed by a current member and endorsed by a second member, any woman in sympathy with the objects of the club is eligible for membership. Those who are interested in the club are encouraged express their interest and attend several meetings as a guest to explore that interest.