Mobile Hotspots
Hotspot Lending Program
Our Mobile Hotspots are easy-to-use devices that connects your tablet, laptop and other Wi-Fi–enabled device to the Internet. Mobile hotspots rely on cell service. You can connect up to 15 devices to 4G LTE and 3G networks. The Library’s hotspot gives you Unlimited data.
For a small fee, the Library Hotspot program allows library card holders to access unlimited, high-speed Internet service anywhere a T-Mobile or Sprint signal can be received.
A Library Hotspot is perfect for those who have no Internet access at home, are going on vacation, or taking their business on the road.
Detailed BPL Mobile Hotspot Borrowing Policy.
A library card is required to borrow hotspot. All hotspot transactions require a picture ID and proof of current address.

Frequently Asked Questions
Adult library cardholders in good standing can borrow a hotspot for one or two weeks. (No unpaid fines for self or any family member; not banned from services.)
No – you will need to bring a driver’s license or state ID and one other document that verifies your current address. (If your Driver’s License does not show your current address, we will need an additional form of ID.) We accept current utility bills, bank statements, or other documents from an agency or government entity. The document should be less than 40 days old. Please see the BPL Mobile Hotspot Borrowing Policy for details.
Yes. We ask patrons to pay a small fee or $5 for 7 days or $10 for 14 days.
Payment will be due at time of check out and no refunds are given for early return or shortened rentals.
Just come to the Library and fill out the simple Agreement. A staff member will go over everything you need to know.
Seven or 14 days. No renewal, sorry.
The Hotspot works wherever there is a T-Mobile or Sprint cell signal which is just about everywhere.
Yes! You can call the library or reserve a Hotspot through the online catalog just like a book. Just search for the term “Hotspot.” Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee a Hotspot for a specific date. Reserve early. (Please call us if you change your mind and want to cancel.)
We’re sorry that we cannot offer renewals on the Hotspots at this time. A Hotspot may be checked out again after 14 days, in person, if it is not reserved for other patrons.
You must bring it back to the library and hand it to a staff member. You may designate another person to return the hotspot, but you have to do that on the form when you borrow the device. When you return the device, we go through a checklist with you and if everything is okay, we check it in. You CANNOT put it in the book drop. We charge an extra $10!
You really don’t want to keep it past the due date – we charge $10 per day. If the device becomes 7 days overdue, we consider the device stolen. Ouch!
The replacement cost is at least $140. You are fully responsible for the device.
Your Internet usage is not tracked by the library. While using the Library’s Hotspot you are governed by the same rules as our wireless policy.
There is no Internet content filtering, but parents and guardians are responsible for a child’s use of the mobile hotspot and the material accessed. The Bloomsburg Public Library is not responsible for the Internet’s content, data collected or transmitted via a mobile hotspot, or for any misuse of copyrighted material or any other violation of law.
You can talk to a library staff member by calling 570-784-0883. Please return a defective Hotspot to the library ASAP.