Summer Reading Program

Join our Summer Reading Bingo and WIN!

Picture of the 2024 Summer BingoEligibility:

  • Participants must be 13 years of age or older.
  • Participants must be registered members of any of the partner libraries.

How to Enter:

  • Pick up a Bingo Challenge sheet from the library or download it here.
  • Complete the reading challenges as indicated on the Bingo sheet. Each square represents a different challenge.
  • A Bingo is achieved by completing a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line of five squares.

Submitting Entries:

  • Once a Bingo is achieved, submit the Bingo sheet to the library.
  • Sheets can be submitted in person at the library’s front desk.
  • Alternatively, participants can email a scanned copy or a clear photo of the completed Bingo sheet to
  • Each Bingo sheet submission grants one entry into the prize draw.
  • Participants can submit multiple Bingo sheets, with each completed sheet counting as a separate entry.

Final Entry Deadline:

  • All entries must be submitted by August 10th, 2024.


Weekly Prizes:

  • Each week, completed Bingo sheets will be entered into a weekly drawing for gift certificates to the book sale or local eateries.

Grand Prize:

  • In August, all completed Bingo sheets will be entered into a grand prize drawing for a $100 Barnes & Noble gift card.
  • The grand prize drawing will take place on August 12th and the winner will be notified via phone or email.

Additional Rules:

  • Each participant is eligible to win only one weekly prize. However, all entries, including those of weekly prize winners, remain eligible for the grand prize.
  • We are trusting you to fill out the bingo sheets honestly.
  • By entering, participants agree to allow the library to use their first names and photos for promotional purposes.

Contact Information:

  • For questions or more information, please contact Andrea Bishop at 570-784-0883 or

Good luck, and happy reading!

Register Today!

Please register now so we can be in touch with you about our events, prizes, and other fun!

For help with registration, just visit the library or call 570-784-0883.

Library Events for Adults and Teens